Markdown: Mixes topics

Nested list

The following screenshot shows how you can enter a nested list. On the left side you see the markdown code for a nested list and on the right side you see the markdown preview:

- Item 1
- Item 2
  - Item 2.1
- Item 3

Referencing other headings

The following example shows how we can add a reference to another section (heading) on the same document.

Assume you have written a section about Installing Windows. Then you have written another section about installing MS Office. Now inside the MS Office you want to add a sentence like “Make sure that Windows is installed (see Installing Windows for more infos” and want a reference to that section.

Before you can add that sentence you have to create a reference which will be invisible in the preview. Write the text of the reference followed by a #, as soon as you enter that a drop down appears allowing you to select the other section you want to refer to:

Now you can select the correct heading and then use that reference in your reference sentence which will be visible: