Linux/Ubuntu: Mixed topics

Environment variables

Setting an environment variable

export CYPRESS_serverAddress='https://mywebaddess/'

Showing all environment variables

The following commands both list all environment variables:



Showing the value of a specific environment variable

The following command will print the value of the PATH environment variable, along with the name of the variable.

printenv | grep PATH

Running PowerShell commands

To run PowerShell commands on a Linux/Ubuntu System you have to first install the PowerShell package:

sudo snap install powershell --classic

Once the package is installed you can start the PowerShell command interpreter with the following command:



Nano editor

User-specific configuration

You can have your nano editor configured the way you want it to behave by adding a file named .nanorc into your home directory. Go to your home directory and enter this command:

touch ~/nanorc

This will create an empty file, that you can open and modify it with the following command:

nano ~/nanorc

Menu usage

The options menu of nano is at the bottom:

^ stands for [Ctrl] key and M stands for [Alt] key.
So for example to search a keyword you have to use ^W which means [Ctrl][W]. For Undo you have to use M-U which means [Alt][U]

Line Wrapping

Hard wrapping

Hard wrapping adds a \n at the position which hits the edge of the windows. You can have it with this command:

Use [Ctrl][J] to cause the current line to wrap

Some sources ( see ) suggest to use [Esc][L] but on my system, this had zero effect.

Soft wrapping

Put the cursor on the line you want to wrap and then press the following combination: [Esc] [$].
If you want to always have soft wrapping, open /etc/nanorc and then uncommend the line with “set softwrap”