Jira JQL Query examples

Example: Searching by issue ID

id=<issue id>

Example: searching for words

Find all issues that contain the words Jira and Software, in no particular order:

text ~ “Jira Software”

Example: Filtering by logged user and dates

Example of a complex query where we look for the name of the currently logged user in various elements and also limit the search with dates:

updated >= 2021-05-18 AND updated <= 2021-05-19 AND (summary ~ currentUser() OR description ~ currentUser() OR assignee = currentUser() OR worklogAuthor = currentUser() OR comment ~ currentUser() OR watcher = currentUser() OR text ~ currentUser() OR creator = currentUser() OR voter = currentUser())

Example: Filter by project name and multiple issue types

The following query will look for issues that are epics, tasks, bugs, or subtasks in the MyProject project and order them by rank.

project= MyProject AND issuetype in (Epic, "Task, "Bug, "Subtask") ORDER BY Rank ASC

Example: Filtering all estimated tasks of a sprint

The following query lists the open and estimated tasks of sprint number 8

project = “MyProject” AND resolution = Unresolved and  Sprint = 8 And not “Story Points” is EMPTY ORDER BY id DESC