Category: Uncategorized

  • Android Studio: Mixed topics

    Opening an Android Studio project Directly from the file system As the following discussion shows, it does not seem to be possible to open an Android Studio project directly from the file system by double-clicking a file, in a similar way like is known from Visual Studio and .sln files: So it seems we…

  • Flutter/Dart: Developing and deploying a simple App

    Overview Here in this post, we document a simple app to measure behaviours over time. The app will have two pages (routes). One for entering data (counting behaviour/activity events), the other one for showing the data as curves, the number of behavioural events over time periods. The entered data will be at first hard coded,…

  • Docker: Mixed topics

    Installing Docker Installing Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 sudo apt install Container configuration Network configuration Adding entries to containers /etc/hosts file You can add a new entry to /etc/hosts file of a Linux based docker container by using the –add-host option of the docker run command: docker run –add-host somedomainname:someipaddesssomeiamge Handling images Showing Docker images…

  • Flutter/Dart: Changing pages

    Here in this post we discuss how to create an App which allows to navigate back and fort between different pages. We begin with a simple hello world app: This code results in the following screen ( You can execute it in or in your favourite SDK) we see the following screen: We have…

  • Flutter/Dart: Columns & Rows

    In this post we try to understand how layout columns and rows work in flutter. We begin with the following “Hello World” example: If we execute this code ( for example in ) we see the following screen: Next we want to see how the Column widget works. The Column is a widget whose…

  • Pact: bi-directional contract testing

    Introduction The idea of bi-directional contract testing is a kind of contract testing which is neither consumer nor provider driven, rather each side, consumer and provider define their requirement (consumer side) resp. capabilities (provider side) and then the contract testing framework (e.g., pact) cross check the consumer requirements against provider capacities. This allows a very…

  • Pact: Bi-Directional .NET example

    Introduction This post is a report of my experience trying to go through the Pact.NET Bi-Directional examples (which are compatible to eachother) provided by Pactflow community/team: Provider example: Consumer example: I just decided to post this, in case it would be helpful to anybody trying to go through the same examples. Provider I’ve…

  • Cypress: Running selected tests only

    Overview When you start a Cypress run, normally you have to wait quite a time until all your tests run through. You might have multiple Cypress scripts and each of them might have multiple tests. So you might want to have more control over which tests are supposed to be included in a Cypress run.…

  • WordPress: Mixed topics

    Default admin password After you freshly installed your WordPress page you have to change that password by login with the password provided by your hosting provider and selecting the menu option [Users] then choosing the [Edit Profile] option on the top right and then clicking on [Set New Password]: User Management In WordPress there are…

  • Cypress: Some Errors

    Error “Blocked a frame with origin … from accessing a cross-origin frame” Problem We the following cypress script: If we execute this test we get the following error: Blocked a frame with origin “http://localhost:3000” from accessing a cross-origin frame Cause The error “Blocked a frame with origin “…” from accessing a cross-origin frame” is issued…