Category: Uncategorized

  • Flutter/Dart Drawing examples

    Here in this post we collect some simple Flutter/Dart drawing examples. Drawing a line The first example shows how we can draw a line. The output of this example looks like this: Here is the code for this examples: The example uses a CustomPaint widget, which uses the custom painter LinePainter, which is a simple…

  • Flutter/Dart: Troubleshooting

    Error: Unable to locate Android SDK Problem After executing flutter doctor the following errors are issued: Resolution For Windows: Inside Android Studio, get path from: gear icon > Apprearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK > Android SDK Location Make sure that the location path does not contain any spaces in it. In…

  • Cypress & OAuth

    The problem As we know OAuth based authentication and identity plattform implementations rely on a third party. So you don’t have just your client and your server where the web application is running, but you also have a third entity which manages the authentication. This and of itself is a source of problems for Cypress,…

  • ASP.NET WebAPI & Blazor WebAssembly

    Creating the template-based solution This is an example project on how to create a web application with an ASP.NET WebAPI backend and a Blazor WebAssembly frontend. We use VS 2022 for this example. Select project template [Blazor Webassembly App]: Select the option [ASP.NET Core hosted]. This will create the ASP.NET WebAPI backend: VS creates a…

  • moq: Practical examples

    Mocking Mocking Properties Mocking Public Properties Example: Mocking Protected Properties Example: Mocking Complex Property Types Mocking Collection Properties You cannot mock a complex property type such as a List-Property like a simple property e. g. a property of DateTime type: Instead you have to mock such collection property in a similar fashion like a method:…

  • NodeJS: Mixed topics

    Chained Middleware The following example shows how we can chain multiple (in this case two) middlewares. The first middleware is a logger function, which writes ‘Request arrived’ in the terminal window where the NodeJS web app (app.js) was started. The second middleware is a time function, which stored the request time in a property. The…

  • Pact.NET: Bi-Directional CT & DevOps Pipelines

    Overview Here we add examples of how different parts of the DevOps YAML-based provider and consumer pipelines for a Pact.NET-based bi-directional contract testing solution could be implemented. This implementation example assumes a .NET-based provider and consumer. But the idea can pretty easily be transferred to non .NET-based providers and or consumers. The reason we have…

  • Pact: Mixed topics

    Pact.NET related topics Consumer unit test Example of a GET API call with parameters If you are developing a Pact unit test and your pact.VerfiyAsync() method throws an exception and cannot figure out why you might activate the mock provider debugging logs (see Enabling the mock provider debugging logs) Having more verbose logs in the…

  • WordPress: Show/hide text

    Here in this post we take a look on some methods to make parts of a post or page content invisible. The first approach offers a link to the user, for example “Click to see details”, which allows the user to click on the list and expand its hidden content to see more infos. The…

  • PowerShell: Mixed topics

    Showing the current OS Get-ComputerInfo Commands File System Commands Showing the path of the current directory Get-Location Showing the content of the current directory Get-ChildItem The same recursively and with filter capability The following command lists all files files matching the filter criteria inside the folder cypress recursively: Get-ChildItem -Path “cypress” -Filter *cy.ts -Recurse The…