Category: Uncategorized

  • DocFetcher: Mixed topics

    How to include the hyphen in the search pattern We want to be able to search for string patterns that include the hyphen symbol like the following example: “…Despite its fearsome reputation, the T–Rex was actually quite slow, with a top speed of around 20 miles per hour…” A search that includes a hyphen in…

  • Simple jq command examples

    jq is a Linux-based command-line JSON processor. In other words it’s a command which can parse and extract data from JSON content. Let’s assume we have the following simple JSON content: We would like to extract the “John Smith” text from JSON content. How can we achieve that? Here comes the jq command to our…

  • Unity 2D tilemaps

    Creation of a tilemap Open the Unity Hub and then create a new project: Select [2D] as the template for the project and then create the project: Wait for a while until the new project is ready. We want to create a tilemap with rectangular tiles. Click on the [+] button, on the [Hierarchy] browser…

  • Using Cypress from Docker container

    Cypress docker image Cypress docker image (Javascript version) Of course, you can run Cypress without any docker images and install it as a node somewhere on your system and run from there Cypress tests. But if you decide to use Cypress like this, you might end up developing and testing your Cypress scripts in an…

  • Pact troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting error NU1102: Unable to find package PactNet with version Problem When the Consumer pipeline runs, we get the following error: Resolution The problem seems to be due to the fact, that locally we had to add a specific source for the pact’s nuget packages (you can see the NuGet package sources in VS [Options],…

  • Swashbuckle and ASP.NET Core

    Using the Swashbuckle library to create the swagger.json file Generally, if you have ASP.NET Core Web API service you have a swagger GUI which shows info about your API methods. Of course, you can copy and paste the swagger.json of your API from that GUI. But sometimes you might need that swagger.json file inside a…

  • .NET MAUI examples

    Overview Here in this post, we look into some simple examples of MAUI applications. For a comprehensive introduction to MAUI application development see the following link: Example: Hello World Here are the steps which are required to create an out of the box MAUI based “Hello World” application: Start VS 2022 and select the…

  • Linux/Ubuntu: Mixed topics

    Environment variables Setting an environment variable export CYPRESS_serverAddress=’https://mywebaddess/’ Showing all environment variables The following commands both list all environment variables: env privntenv Showing the value of a specific environment variable The following command will print the value of the PATH environment variable, along with the name of the variable. printenv | grep PATH Running PowerShell…

  • MS Word: Mixed Topics

    Advanced options Prevent MS Word from reducing the resolution of inserted pictures By default, MS Word is configured to compress inserted images which might result in decreased resolution and loss of image quality. You can prevent this behavior by setting the High fidelity image resolution option: Disable [Automatic word selection] You might have experienced the…

  • Flutter/Dart: Data persistence

    There are different approaches to making the data of a flutter App persistent. Here are some examples. Here in the flutter documentation, you can read about those possibilities: So, here in this post, I’m writing about the same three approaches introduced in the flutter documentation but I’m adding my own experiences while trying out…