Category: Uncategorized

  • Azuere DevOps: Mixed topics

    How to influence the result of pwsh task? There might be cases that a command fails but the job is still considered as ok. You might want to influence the outcome of the pwsh task result based on your own criteria. You can determine the outcome of pwsh task by using the exit command. If…

  • curl: Mixed topics

    cURL (Client URL CLI) is a command line tool which allows to transfer data using many different protocols including HTTP protocol. Because of this capability it is often used to send requests to Web servers. Because it’s a command line tool is is very well suited for unattended processes like in CI/CD pipelines for example.…

  • dredd: Mixed topics

    Logging To run dredd with more logging infos you can set its loglevel to debug: dredd swagger.json http://localhost:postnumber –loglevel debug Authentication If the microservice API you want to test requires authentication, you can use dredd hooks to add authentication information to the request sent by dredd to API. For example the following dredd command uses…

  • Swagger/OpenAPI: Mixed topics

    Swagger file format Converting Swagger YAML file to JSON format You might have noticed that most of examples of swagger files out there in YAML format, but you might require a swagger file in JSON format, maybe because you are using a tool or an example which is using swagger.json format. So knowing how to…

  • Contract Testing with Pact

    What is contract testing? As you probably already know, we have a concept called the test pyramid in the software testing world. If you google this, you will find slightly different versions. Most agree that unit tests are at the bottom of the pyramid and E2E tests are at the top. But there seems to…

  • Pactflow/Pact broker API

    Pactflow/Pact broker API Reference Documentation You can find the API documentation of Pactflow resp. Pact broker server under the following address: Usage examples The explorer The API methods and their documentation can be found here: On this page, you have the field [Explorer]. The URL entered here shows the commands that can be…

  • Jira JQL Query examples

    Example: Searching by issue ID id=<issue id> Example: searching for words Find all issues that contain the words Jira and Software, in no particular order: text ~ “Jira Software” Example: Filtering by logged user and dates Example of a complex query where we look for the name of the currently logged user in various elements…

  • Cypress & Next component tests

    Creating a minimal Next.js application To explore the Cypress component testing capabilities we can first install a very simple out-of-the-box Next.js application. Install Next.js and create a project (next-test-app): npx create-next-app next-test-app After the project is created, navigate into the newly created folder next-test-app and run the simple out-of-the-box application: yarn dev Now you can…

  • Unity multi-layer 2D tilemap

    Overview In this post, we try to implement a unity 2D tile map with two layers. The first underlying layer should include tiles representing the geographical/natural/physical composition of the map, with tiles like sea, forest, desert, mountain, … tiles. The second layer should include tiles representing empires. Each empire with a different color. We have…

  • DocFetcher: Mixed topics

    How to include the hyphen in the search pattern We want to be able to search for string patterns that include the hyphen symbol like the following example: “…Despite its fearsome reputation, the T–Rex was actually quite slow, with a top speed of around 20 miles per hour…” A search that includes a hyphen in…