Krita: Basic functionality

Remark: The posts on this page are generally works in progress and subject to changes, therefore comments are disabled.

Here in this post I would like to share the skills I learnt using Krita. Krita is a powerful open source drawing tool, which can be used for various different type of drawings. My focus here in this post is the usage of Krita for drawing freehand technical sketches for those who are equipped with a graphic tablet.


Resizing an image

To match the image in the clipboard

Imagine you have a very small image area like this:

No imagine you have copied an image from somewhere else (for example a screenshot) and you want to paste it into Krita to work on it but the size of predefined image is either smaller or bigger than your image in the clipboard.

To paste it in a way that the image sheet resizes according to your copied image you can use the following option:

[Image \ Paste into New Image]

This will automatically resize thw working sheet to match the image in your clipboard:

Resizing a selected area

  • Go to the layer in the layer stack.
  • Select the layer with the area you want to resize
  • Select the area you want to resize with the selection tool
  • Press Ctrl + T or select the transformation tool form the tool box.
  • Resize the selected area by dragging the corner handles.
  • How to resize a selected image?



The following example shows how we can use the blurring functionality of Krita.

Here we want to blur the user name on a screenshot. To achieve that we select the region we want to blur, then select the option Blur and the result looks like this (depending on the selected blurring parameters of course):